
Our research will focus on the early stages of the imaging chain, i.e. on sensors and interaction from radiation sources to matched sources/detectors and contrast media/biological markers (molecular imaging) to the generation of images. The long-term goal is to form a center of excellence, recognized as one of the best research environments in the world in this area.

The road to get to this world-class level is to merge best in class research at KTH in instruments and methods for imaging with best in class medical research at KI.


The next ten years of research should result in:

  • Two or more companies on their way to grow to a similar size as Gambro.

  • Two or more research breakthroughs, either new scientific instruments or discoveries in medical research enabled by those instruments
Arvid Carlsson

Nobel Laureate Arvid Carlsson addressing the first meeting of the consortium, September 2007.